Monday, November 8, 2010

Directive Frustration

"Yellow" 12"x 9" Pencil and Paper 2010
If I had a client that thought the directive was frustrating than I would tell them to stop and ask them what kind of artwork would they like to do. Or maybe I would ask them why they find this directive frustrating. I know that I didn't think this directive with the word "yellow" was particularly fun or insightful. It felt more like work that I didn't know if I were doing right or wrong and I felt that directive would not provide the most honest results because it is easy to change your mind for the word yellow and not draw or write the first thing that came to mind. I feel that if I made a new directive I would test it out on a group and gauge their reactions and ask them how they feel about it than to use it for the first time on a client.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Ethical Issue in Art Therapy

"Ethical Picture" 5.5"x 8.5" Pen and Paper 2010
I think there is an ethical issue involved in pictures that reveal blatant messages. Whether the child is drawing the image for attention or is it a real cry for help? If so, then the authorities need to be  called and the child needs to be taken into child services. Then there is the privacy issue whether the client would want their secret to be revealed and if you betray their trust then it will be very hard to help them as a person. Again, above all else the child needs to be out of danger first and then all the other things can follow. But I can see how a therapist can find situations like these very challenging and not knowing what is the best way to help the client and save them.