Monday, September 27, 2010

Hollywood Collage

"Thanks Us Weekly!" 8.5"x 11" Magazine pictures 2010

So I have a slight thing for reading gossip rags such as Us Weekly, People and OK. They're all cheap thrills because I really do enjoy finding out who is hooking up with who and who is fighting with who. Then I thought to myself why do I find it somewhat fascinating about rich people's problems. And then I remembered my other obsessions back in the day. There were Hanson, Nsync and Britney Spears. I was a girl of celebrity obsession. How did it all began this culture obsession with celebrities and caring about what they wear or what they drink? Sadly, I am somewhat guilty of that culture but it's not awful as long as you don't go crazy. Everything is good with moderation. So this is my homage to Hollywood obsession. I'm going to read the New York I can feel intelligent. 

Monday, September 20, 2010


"July Flame" 5.5"x8.5" Paper and colored pencils 2010

Vinyl softly spins
Like a whirling wind it howls
A love lullaby

I realized music is very therapeutic for me because it brings me back to my adolescence of me in my room listening to vinyl and crushing on the neighbor buy. I guess writing the haiku forced me to sit back and think instead of just rushing to do things. That's how I feel about music the way people can just steal it and amass so much of it and not really listen whereas vinyl you actually have to take time to switch the records and find the songs you like. I sound like an old person ranting... 

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Portrait of Me

"Hairy Lisa" 4"x6" Photo paper 2010
Okay so this is my portrait of myself and I just wanted to be silly because most people’s first impression is that I’m pretty shy. But once people know me they can see I’m a goofy, sarcastic person. Sometimes I feel like a chameleon and have to act a certain way with different people but I’m trying to learn how to just be less shy and be myself more. Maybe in my portrait I shouldn’t have the mustache buuuuuuut it just gives me so many cool or loser points so it’s a must.  

Monday, September 6, 2010


"The Searcher" 24"X16" Paper using colored stencils 2010
For my drawing I drew myself as a cowgirl (maybe subconsciously I want to be John Wayne) on a horse. I’m in a desert and there are cactus, cross bones and a vulture to the left. To my right is a blue inanimate object that represents a foreign, new place. I’m placed in the middle and there is a lot of empty space in the background. All of this is my case of having wanderlust. I’ve been living in Florida all of my life and I just want to go around the world and explore. In addition I’m a senior this year and everybody is worried about what grad school to go to or what jobs are available. I just feel that right now I don’t want to be in school for that long. I want to take a year off and actually do that growing, exploring stage. It didn’t help that I just saw that Eat, Pray, Love movie so now I’m super excited to go out and explore. I guess I chose the desert setting because let’s face it Florida feels like a desert maybe even worse it’s not humid in the desert. The cross bones, vulture and cactus are not supposed to be morbid but I feel like if I were to stay in Florida that I would be stunted as a person and that there would be no growth. In contrast in my picture I am going towards and unknown figure and it’s frightening but it’s good because it’s me moving on to a place that is different and most likely a challenge.