Monday, January 17, 2011

I, luff, luff, luffed U (Not really)

So, I've totally had a crush on this boy fooooor a long time. It finally ended, it's weird how something so intense can just dissipate. It just got me thinking how the mind can manipulate your feelings into believing anything. But sadly, I see it more romantic than that. I see it as something that was suppose to happen because it will teach you something about life. What I take from this is still hidden and yet to be revealed. I guess if I thought about it that nothing lasts forever, there were weird times when I felt that if I didn't get with the person than I would just be settling for secondary guys but obviously that's not the truth. The truth is I've learned that although the feelings are so great and unbearable at times that there will be a day that it will become a passing memory that you can smile or look back nostalgically. I love the part from the movie, Adaptation, when Donald Kauffman is talking to his twin brother and they recounted a story about Donald talking to the girl and how she was sweet and nice to him and Donald was so happy despite hearing her make fun of him afterwards. He said, "I loved Sarah, Charles, it was mine, that love, I owned it. Even Sarah couldn't take it away. It was mine." Later he said, "you are what you love, not what loves you." I took it as no matter what you think and as silly and nonsensical your thoughts are that they are yours and nobody can take that away from you and I find that quite beautiful and precious.

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